
Welcome to Popcorn!

Popcorntheblog is dedicated to all things writing, as loosely defined and interpreted by us.   We are a group of like-minded women who have come to the writing life from a variety of vocations, along a variety of winding paths and find ourselves now, finally, ready to do what we love.  Our work has been published in newspapers, magazines and award-winning blogs, commended in national and international writing contests, garnered book deals, and been applauded by diverse readers, at least some of whom are not members of our immediate families.  With this blog, we aim to share our views and experience on reading, blogging, publishing, keeping sane, staying happy and being Writers.

Why Popcorn?   Several of our bloggers belong to a writing group that meets biweekly at a funky cinema/restaurant in Seattle.    We’ve tried other, more convenient meeting places, with better acoustics, better wine – but we keep returning to the cinema because they serve the most divine popcorn imaginable.   If you’re ever in Seattle’s Madrona neighborhood on a Tuesday night, drop us an email and stop by – you’ll see why we love our popcorn.

10 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’m working on some animated shorts with Janine Bostock. We look forward to partaking in niblets of pop.

  2. I nominated you for The Lovely Blog award! Check out my blog post for the rules! Love reading your posts. Caitlin

  3. Thanks for facebook link to my post on the circular library! Sorry for the delayed thank you – I’m not on FB so I only just found out about it 🙂

  4. Steve Braverman said:

    Would like to pick your brain re: freelance opportunities. Friend of Jeff Otchis.


  5. Today, I happily received another “Lovely Blog Award,” and I have the opportunity to pass it on. I know I nominated you a few months back, but I still like reading your posts and am passing along the award again! Here are the rules again if you need a refresher! http://the-room-mom.com/2012/10/21/a-blog-award/.

  6. Nice to meet you 🙂

  7. I envy you getting to meet weekly with your writing group – mine meets monthly…usually! I’m looking forward to perusing your blog – always great to meet fellow writers! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

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